Loadstar 41
king arthurs que
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Commodore BASIC
705 lines
5 ifa=0 then a=1:gosub 100 :load"get'n store48.o",8,1
7 ifa=1 then 115
8 clr:dimcs(16):gosub63000
9 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:print"[147][154]":goto120
10 w=0:print"[147]"
15 goto 200
100 print"[147]":poke53280,6:poke53281,0
101 print"[158] [204] [207] [193] [196] [211] [212] [193] [210]
102 [153]"list tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(
103 print" [208]roudly [208]resents
104 [153]"list (NULL) right$ (NULL) chr$ atn (NULL) (NULL) left$close(NULL) (NULL) ' (NULL)
105 print" [209] [213] [197] [211] [212][155]
106 [153]" (NULL)ritten peeky
107 print"[153] [210]obert [205]eeks
108 [153]" len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)right$chr$left$(NULL) 1987
109 print" [208]lease [215]ait [215]hile [204]oading"
110 return
115 print"[145][158] [208]ress ([211][208][193][195][197]) [215]hen [210]eady [212]o [195]ontinue"
116 geta$:ifa$<>" "then 116
117 goto 8
120 print"[147] [203][201][206][199] [193][210][212][200][213][210][211] [209][213][197][211][212]
121 [153]"print# tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(tab(
122 print" [196]o [217]ou [215]ish [212]o [204]oad [193]
123 [153]" (NULL)reviously (NULL)aved chr$ame?
124 print" [217])es [207][210] [206])o[154]
130 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]130
131 [139]a$[178]"y"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167]62008
132 [139]a$[178]"n"[176]a$[178]"(NULL)"[167] 10
133 [137] 130
200 ro[178]1:[153]"right$'m in a large and enchanting forest."
211 [153]"atn stream runs to my east. atn path leads":[153]"to the (NULL)orth.":[141]61000
214 [153]"str$irections: (NULL)orth, (NULL)outh, valast, (NULL)est":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"n"[167]350
217 [139]q$[178]"w"[167]250
218 [139]q$[178]"e"[167]450
219 [139]q$[178]"s"[167]300
220 [139]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]200
221 [141]50000
222 [137]200
250 ro[178]5:[153]"right$ am in the woods.":[141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)outh, valast":[141]60000
255 [139]q$[178]"s"[167]300
256 [139]q$[178]"e"[167]200
257 [139]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"w"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]250
258 [139]q$[178]"w"[167][153]"peekushes block my path.":[137]250
259 [141]50000:[137]250
300 ro[178]6:[153]"right$ am in the woods. (NULL)he trees are very thick to the (NULL)outh, valast";
301 ro[178]6:[153]", and (NULL)est.":[141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)orth"
305 [141]60000
308 [139]q$[178]"n"[167]200
309 [139]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]300
310 [141]50000:[137]300
350 ro[178]2:[139]cb[178]1[167][153]"right$ am at an old log cabin.":[137]363
351 cb[178]1:[153]"right$ am at an old log cabin."
352 [153]"atns right$ peek in, right$ see an old man carving"
353 [153]"some wood. (NULL)he man looks back as if he"
354 [153]"heard me. left$e grabs a cane and walks"
355 [153]"toward me. (NULL)he man says ";[199](34);"str$on't go away!"
356 [153]"right$ am (NULL)ing atnrthur, and right$ was turned"
357 [153]"into an old man by an evil witch! right$f"
358 [153]"you destroy her, the spell will be"
359 [153]"removed. right$f you do so, right$ shall give you 1000 bags of gold."[199](34):[137]363
363 [141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)outh":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"s"[167]200
367 [139]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"w"[176]q$[178]"e"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]350
368 [141]50000:[137]350
450 ro[178]3:[153]"right$ am at the bank of a small stream."
461 [153]"(NULL)he stream is moving rapidly downstream"
462 [153]"and appears to enter a cave at the south."
463 [139]rf[179][177][171]1[167][153]"right$ would not advise going there without araft."
464 [141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)orth, (NULL)outh, (NULL)est"
465 [141]60000
466 [139]q$[178]"w"[167]200
467 [139]q$[178]"n"[167]500
468 [139]q$[178]"s"[167]550
469 [139]q$[178]"e"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]450
470 [141]50000:[137]450
500 ro[178]4:[153]"(NULL)he stream seems to be coming from a","cave 10 feet above me."
501 [153]"right$t is impossible to climb to due to the moss formed on the rock."
502 [141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)outh":[141]60000
505 [139]q$[178]"u"[167][153]"right$ slide down the moss.":[137]500
506 [139]q$[178]"s"[167]450
507 [139]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"e"[176]q$[178]"w"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]500
508 [141]50000:[137]500
550 ro[178]7:[153]"ascrom the shore, right$ can see that the"
553 [153]"water is rapidly entering a mossy "
554 [153]"cavern. (NULL)he water looks about 10 feet deep."
555 [139]rf[179][177][171]1[167][153]"right$t would be foolish to go there without a raft.":[141]61000
557 [153]"str$irections: (NULL)orth":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"n"[167]450
560 [139]q$[178]"s"[176]q$[178]"w"[176]q$[178]"e"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":l[178]1
561 [139]l[178]1[167]l[178]0:[137]550
562 [141]50000:[137]550
600 roo[178]8:[153]"atnfter a few minutes of rafting down an"
601 [153]"underground river, the passage forks to"
602 [153]"the south. (NULL)he water is a bit cold.":[141]61000
603 [153]"str$irections: (NULL)outh, (NULL)est":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"w"[167]650
606 [139]q$[178]"s"[167]700
608 [139]q$[178]"d"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"e"[167][153]"right$ cannot go that way.":[137]600
609 [141]50000:[137]600
650 [153]"atnfter a few minutes, right$ see sunlight."
651 [153]"(NULL)y raft & right$ slide out of the cavern.":[137]500
700 ro[178]9:[139]fl[178]1[167]704
702 [153]"right$ plunge 50 feet to the bottom of a ","waterfall!"
703 [153]"(NULL)y raft & right$ are washed ashore.":fl[178]1
704 [153]"right$ see a sign that says: (NULL)elcome to the (NULL)and of the (NULL)ost!"
705 [141]61000:[153]"right$ am on a sandy beach.":[153]"str$irections: (NULL)est, valast":[141]60000
712 [139]q$[178]"w"[167]750
713 [139]q$[178]"e"[167]800
714 [141]50000:[137]700
750 ro[178]12:[153]"right$ am in a damp, musty cave.":[141]63930:[141]61000
754 [153]"str$irections: valast":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"e"[167]700
755 [139]q$[178]"e"[167]700
756 [139]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[176]q$[178]"e"[176]q$[178]"s"[176]q$[178]"n"[167][141]63920:[137]750
758 [141]50000:[137]750
800 ro[178]11:[153]"right$ am in a cave. (NULL)here is an opening to the east."
803 [139]di[178]0[167][153]"atn fierce dinosaur blocks my way!":cr[178]0
804 [141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)est, valast":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"w"[167]700
806 [139]di[178]0[175]q$[178]"e"[167][153]"(NULL)he dinosaur blocks the path.":[137]800
808 [139]di[178]1[175]q$[178]"e"[167]850
810 [139]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"s"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][141]63920:[137]800
811 [139][200](q$,4)[178]"kill"[175][201](q$,4)[178]"saur"[167]813
812 [141]50000:[137]800
813 [153]"atnttack dinosaur with what? :";:[158]32768,15,2,aw$:[141]63940
850 ro[178]13:[153]"right$ am in a small cave. (NULL)o kill the witch"
853 [153]"you need a magic mace, a magical harp"
854 [153]"and the statue of the owl is inscribed on the wall."
855 [141]61000:[153]"str$irections: (NULL)est":[141]60000
856 [139]q$[178]"w"[167]800
857 [139]q$[178]"e"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[176]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"s"[167][141]63920
858 [141]50000:[137]850
900 [153]"(NULL)his appears to be a man-made passage. (NULL)he floor is very dusty, and";
902 [153]" there are footprints in the dust. (NULL)here are stairs leading up.":ro[178]14
903 [141]61000:[153]"str$irections: valast":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"e"[167]910
905 [139]q$[178]"u"[167]750
906 [139]q$[178]"d"[176]q$[178]"w"[176]q$[178]"s"[176]q$[178]"n"[167][141]63920
907 [141]50000:[137]900
910 ro[178]15:[153]"right$ am in a small, dusty chamber. (NULL)he","footprints continue south."
912 [153]"atn disgusting stench is coming from the east.":[141]61000
913 [153]"str$irections: (NULL)outh, (NULL)est, valast":[141]60000:[139]q$[178]"e"[167]920
914 [139]q$[178]"s"[167]1020
915 [139]q$[178]"w"[167]900
916 [139]q$[178]"n"[176]q$[178]"u"[176]q$[178]"d"[167][141]63920
917 [141]50000:[137]910
920 ro[178]16:[153]"right$ am in a terrible smelling room."
921 [13